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Versatile and bewitching Uzbekistan

Of course, once having got to Uzbekistan, you will obtain very much experience. We can say, it is worth to go to Uzbekistan, to recognize it closer. This is an amazing country, breaking many stereotypes about Central Asia.
You can learn all about the culture of Uzbekistan in advance to come to the place prepared. Get full information and also book the appropriate tour in Uzbekistan you can here. Directly, the Greeks, the Turkic tribes, Russian, Chinese, Arabs, and, even, the Iranians significantly influenced on the culture itself. Uzbekistan is a fairly diverse country and today, all influences on contemporary culture of the country. All historical events of Uzbekistan are reflected in national dances, music, language, painting, arts and crafts as well as clothes and kitchen. The most important tradition in the country is respect for elders and ancestors. That is why all the old and ancient with awe is saved by the Uzbeks.
Therefore, the most great impressive, producing on travelers - people. Uzbekistan is a country of workers. Everybody It works here. From early morning people go to work. At five in the morning, you can see people who are going to work. With the first rays of the sun in the streets of villages and towns there are people. They hitch on the highway to get to the place of work, they sweep their already clean yards, some shake in macro buses going to the harvest.
Children, before going to school, help adults; donkeys pulling and dragging loaded carts; women kindle the fire in the tandyrs to bake fresh cakes; and roadside sellers of melons and watermelons get up from their iron beds with colorful mattresses, which are immediately , on the road, to be ready for the first customers. And such picture can be seen over the country.
In Uzbekistan among the handicrafts in the old days it was popular to manufacture decorative musical instruments, which then "traveled" all over the world, along with roving musicians. Uzbeks massively engaged in manufacturing paper, embossing various iron products, and handicrafts.
Do not forget to visit one of the many bazaars, where you can not only buy fragrant spices, oriental sweets and fresh fruit. The rule here is to try something that you are interested in, so even if you do not buy anything, you will not stay hungry. You will enjoy the traditional bargaining process, as in the old days. If you want to bring souvenirs that will remind you of your trip in Uzbekistan, choose Uzbek skullcaps and chapans (oriental robes), painted boxes, dishes, and handmade carpets.
On the territory Buddhist monuments - the temple in Kuva, Tajik Ajina-Tepa, Termez Fayaz Tepa and others preserved. This is due to the spreading of Buddhism throughout the territory during the Great Silk Road, which was carried from China to Fergana or in Bactria, from where it got to India. As a trade route between the two places, Uzbekistan absorbed a lot from passing strangers.
In Uzbekistan, you will be amazed by an unusual fusion of modern comfort and antiquity in the whole country. In the city center you can see an old man in a dressing gown and skullcap, slowly traveling on a donkey to the market. Lovers of delicious and inexpensive meal will like modern restaurants and small teahouses.
Uzbekistan is a country which is worth visiting at least once in life in order to tell grandchildren something interesting.
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